Open Source |
The ACE Autonomic Toolkit, developed within Work Package 1 of the Project,
has been released as Open Source and is available on sourceforge.net,
together with some extensions of the core platform developed in other WPs.
The Toolkit is a platform for setting up autonomic services in a distributed environment.
Provides service discovery, service provisioning/usage, autonomic adaptation
to the context, mobility, support for supervision and service aggregation,
and more. The latest version can be downloaded at
Licas, standing for Lightweight Internet-based Communication for Autonomic Services,
is a java based library developed at the University of Ulster within work package 5
covering Knowledge Networks (KN).
Implementing an RPC based communication mechanism it allows for the construction
of distributed service-based networks that are capable to self-organise/self-optimise.
Communication between components is solely based on RPC, which allows for lightweight
and adaptive communication capabilities. Further information as well as relevant downloads
can be found at http://licas.sourceforge.net/.
Dissemination 2008 |
N.Bicocchi, M.Mamei, F. Zambonelli, "Self-organizing Spatial Regions for Sensor Network Infrastructures", IEEE Symposium on Pervasive ad Ad-Hoc Communications (PCAC 2007), IEEE CS Press, Montreal (CA), April 2007. |
N. Bicocchi, M. Baumgarten, M. Mulvenna, R. Kusber, F. Zambonelli, "Self-organizing Knowledge Networks for Pervasive Situation-aware Services", IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Press, Toronto (CA), October 2007. |
N. Bicocchi, M. Mamei, F. Zambonelli, "Towards Self-organizing Virtual Macro Sensors", 1st IEEE Conference on Self-adaptive and Self-organizing Systems, IEEE CS Press, Boston (MA), July 2007. |
N. Bicocchi, G. Castelli, A. Rosi, F. Zambonelli, "Coordination in Sensor's Continuum", 15th IEEE Workshops on Enabling Technologies, Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, IEEE CS Press, Paris (F), June 2007. Extended version under revision to the "Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Communications". |
N. Bicocchi, M. Mamei, F. Zambonelli, "Supporting Situation-Aware services with Virtual Macro Sensors", 1st Workshop on Innovative Service Technologies at the 1st International Conference on Autonomics Communication and Computing Systems, Roma (I), October 2007. |
N. Bicocchi, Franco Zambonelli, "Autonomic Communication Learns from Nature", IEEE Potentials Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 42-46, 2007. |
G. Castelli, M. Mamei, F. Zambonelli, "Engineering Contextual Information for Pervasive Multiagent Systems", 1st International Workshop on Engineering Environment-Mediated Multiagent Systems at the European Conference on Complex Systems, Dresden (D), October 2007. Extended version to appear on the Lecture Notes in Computer Science. |
G. Castelli, M. Mamei, A. Rosi, "The Whereabouts Diary", 3rd International Symposium on Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA 2007), Munich (D), Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 4718, Sep. 2007 |
M. Mamei, R. Nagpal, "Macro Programming through Bayesian Networks: Distributed Inference and Anomaly Detection", 5th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PERCOM2007), IEEE CS Press, White Plains(NY), March 2007. |
M. Mamei, F. Zambonelli, "Pervasive Pheromone-based Interaction with RFID Tags", ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, Article 1, 2007 |
R. Quitadamo, G. Cabri, F. Zambonelli, "The Service Ecosystem: Dynamic Aggregation of Distributed Pervasive Services", 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Pervasive Computing Systems at ICSE, IEEE CS Press, Minneapolis (MN), May 2007. |
Rosi, M. Mamei, F. Zambonelli, A. Manzalini, "Landslide Monitoring with Sensor Networks: a Case for Autonomic Communication Services", IEEE Wireless Rural and Emergency Communication Conference, IEEE CS Press, Rome (I), October 2007. |
Rosi, M. Mamei, F. Zambonelli, "Browsing the World with RFID Tags: Design and Implementation of an RFID-based Distributed Environmental Memory", in the book "RFID Handbook: Applications, Technology, Security, and Privacy", Taylor & Francis (London, UK), 2007. |
G. Castelli, A. Rosi, M. Mamei, F. Zambonelli, "Ubiquitous Browsing of the World", in the book "The Geospatial Web: How Geo-Browsers, Social Software and the Web 2.0 are Shaping the Network Society", Springer-Verlag (Berlin. D), May 2007. |
Panagakis, A. Vaios, I. Stavrakakis, "On the Effects of Cooperation in DTNs", IEEE COMSWARE, Jan. 8-12, 2007, Bangalore, India (Invited Paper). |
E. Jaho, I. Jaho, I. Stavrakakis, "Distributed Selfish Replication under Node Churn," poster session, MED-HOC-NET'07, June 13-15, 2007, Corfu, Greece. |
Christoforos Ntantogian, Christos Xenakis, "A Security Binding for Efficient Authentication in 3G-WLAN Heterogeneous Networks", PhD poster presented in the Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net 2007), Corfu, Greece. |
Kyriakos Zarifis, Dimitris Ztoupis, Christos Xenakis, "Security Issues in an Established Autonomous Wireless Network", PhD poster presented in the Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net 2007), Corfu, Greece. |
Ntantogian, C. Xenakis, I. Stavrakakis "Efficient Authentication for Users Autonomy in Next Generation All-IPNetworks", In proc. Workshop on Technologies for Situated and Autonomic Communications (SAC) in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, (BIONETICS 2007), Budapest, Hungary, Dec 2007. |
Pietro Michiardi; Guillaume Urvoy-Keller "Performance analysis of cooperative content distribution for wireless ad hoc networks", IEEE/IFIP WONS 2007, 4th Annual Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services, January 24-26, 2007, Obergurgl, Austria. |
Michiardi, Pietro; Marrow, Paul; Tateson, Richard; Saffre, Fabrice "Aggregation dynamics in service overlay networks", SASO 2007, 1st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, July 9-11, 2007, Boston, USA. |
Damiano Carra ; Ernst Biersack "Building a Reliable P2P System Out of Unreliable P2P Clients: The Case of KAD" In Proc. CoNEXT'07, December 2007. |
Carra, R. Lo Cigno, and E. W. Biersack. "Graph Based Analysis of Mesh Overlay Streaming Systems" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 25(9):1667--1677, December 2007. |
R. Lent. "On the impact of network QoS on automated distributed auctions". In BIONETICS 2007 SAC Workshop, December 2007. |
Kieran Greer, Matthias Baumgarten, Maurice Mulvenna, Kevin Curran and Chris Nugent. "Autonomic Supervision of Stigmergic Self-Organisation for Distributed Information Retrieval" Workshop on Technologies for Situated and Autonomic Communications (SAC), at 2nd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, BIONETICS 2007. |
Kieran Greer, Matthias Baumgarten, Maurice Mulvenna, Kevin Curran and Chris Nugent. "Utilizing Stigmergy in Support of Autonomic Principles" 3rd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, SKG2007, October 2007, pp 98 - 103, ISBN 0-7695-3007-9. |
Greer, K.R.C., Baumgarten, M., Mulvenna, M.D., Nugent, C.D., Curran, K "Knowledge-Based Reasoning Through Stigmergic Linking" Self-Organizing Systems, Second International Workshop, IWSOS 2007, The Lake District, UK, September 11-13, 2007, Proceedings. Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-74916-5. |
Curran, K., Mulvenna, M.D., Nugent, C.D., Baumgarten, M "Autonomic Computing" Encyclopaedia of Internet Technologies and Applications, Mário Freire and Manuela Pereira (eds.), Information Science Reference, USA, August 2007, pp 66-71, ISBN: 978-1-59140-993-9. |
Matthias Baumgarten, Nicola Bicocchi, Rico Kusber, Maurice Mulvenna, Franco Zambonelli "Self-organizing Knowledge Networks for Pervasive Situation-Aware Services" EEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2007, Montreal, Canada. |
Benko B K, Schulcz R: Mapping External Functionalities into Autonomic Services, SAC @ BIONETICS 2007, Budapest, Dec 2007. |
Szabo Cs A, Horváth Z, Farkas K: Wireless Community Networks: Motivations, Design, and Business Models (invited paper), @ WICON 2007, Austin, Texas, USA, October 2007. |
Elisabetta Di Nitto, Daniele J. Dubois, Raffaela Mirandola "Self-Aggregation Algorithms for Autonomic Systems"2nd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (BIONETICS 2007 Dec 10-13, 2007. |
Davide Devescovi ,Elisabetta Di Nitto, Raffaela Mirandola "An infrastructure for autonomic system development: the selflet approach " Proceedings of the twenty-second IEEE/ACM international conference on Automated software engineering ASE 2007 Atlanta, Georgia, USA. |
Davide Devescovi, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Daniel Dubois, and Raffaela Mirandola "Self-Organization Algorithms for Autonomic Systems in the SelfLet Approach" First International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems Villa Mondragone, Frascati, 28-30 October 2007. |
Andreas Hinnerichs, Edzard Höfig "An efficient mechanism for matching multiple patterns with streamed XML data" Presented 15.2.2007 at IASTED SE (Software Engineering) 2007 in Innsbruck, Austria. Proceedings by ACTA Press, ISBN 978-0-88986-643-0, pp 164-170. |
Benoit Gaudin., Peter H. Deussen, Supervision of Discrete Event Systems with Variables, American Control Conference 2007 (New York, NY, Jul 9 - 13). |
Peter H. Deussen, Model-based Reactive Planning and Prediction for Autonomic Systems, Insertech @ Autonomics 2007, Rome, Italy, 29. - 31. Oct, 2007. |
Peter H. Deussen, Edzard Höfig, Self-organizing supervision - concept demo, SAC Workshop, Bionetics 2007, Budapest, Hungary, Dec. 12, 2007. |
Edzard Höfig, Hakan Coskun, Construction of Regularity Mechanisms Using Pattern-bound Policies, Complex systems special track at Conquest 2007 (Potsdam, Sep. 28). |
Tarek Al-Bagikni, "Developing an Autonomic System Engineering Testbed Using Virtualization", VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007. |
R.G. Cascella "Value" of Reputation in Peer-to-Peer Networks"In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2008), Las Vegas, NV, USA, pages 516-520, January 10-12, 2008. IEEE, available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ccnc08.2007.120 and http://disi.unitn.it/~cascella/publications/C08-GT-CCNC.pdf |
R.G. Cascella, R. Battiti "Social Networking and Game Theory to foster Cooperation" input paper at the 2nd ENISA Workshop on Authentication Interoperability Languages held at the ENISA/EEMA European eIdentity conference, Paris, France, June 12-13, 2007, available at http://disi.unitn.it/~cascella/publications/CB07-ENISA.pdf |
M. Baumgarten, K. Greer, M. Mulvenna, C. Nugent, K. Curran, "Utilizing Stigmergy in Support of Autonomic Principles", 3rd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, SKG2007, October 2007, pp 98 - 103, ISBN 0-7695-3007-9. |
Dissemination 2007 |
Alfano R.,Di Caprio G., "TURBO: an autonomous execution environment with scalability and load balancing features" IEEE 2006 Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems; June 2006, Prague |
Manzalini A.,Zambonelli F, "Towards Autonomic and Situation-Aware  Communication Services: the CASCADAS Vision" IEEE 2006 Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems; June 2006, Prague |
N. Laoutaris, G. Smaragdakis, A. Bestavros, I. Stavrakakis, "Mistreatment in Distributed Caching Schemes: Causes and Implications", IEEE INFOCOM'06, April 23-29, 2006, Barcelona, Spain. |
Smaragdakis G., Laoutaris N., Matta I., Bestavros A., Stavrakakis I., "A Feedback Control Approach to Mitigating Mistreatment in Distributed Caching Groups," IFIP Networking 2006, May 15-18, Coimbra. |
Laoutaris N.,Telelis O., Zissimopoulos V., Stavrakakis I., "Distributed Selfish Replication" IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2006 |
Michiardi P. Molva R."Identity-based Message Authentication for Dynamic Networks",In Proc. Of IFIP SEC: 21st IFIP International Information Security Conference "Security and Privacy in Dynamic Environments", May 22 - May 24, 2006, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden |
Michiardi P. "Cooperation dans les reseaux ad-hoc: Application de la theorie des jeux et de l'evolution dans le cadre d'observabilité imparfaite" Invited paper, to appear, Symposium sur la securité des technologies de l'information et des communications, SSTIC 2006, Rennes, France, May the 31st-June the 2nd, 2006 |
Michiardi, P. Urvoy-Keller, G "Impact of Inner Parameters and Overlay Structure on the Performance of BitTorrent" 9th IEEE Global Internet Symposium 2006, In Conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2006, Barcelona, Spain, 28 & 29 April 2006 |
Baresi L.Ghezzi C.,Guinea S. "Towards Self-healing Compositions of Services", for the monograph entitled "Studies in Computational  Intelligence", published by Springer and edited by Professor Bernt Kraemer. |
Marrow P, Manzalini A. "The CASCADAS Project: a Vision of Autonomic Self-organizing Component-ware for ICT Services" Invited Session on Service Development an Provisioning through Situated and Autonomic Communications at the SOAS2006 (Self-Organizing and Autonomic Computing and Communications) conference in Erfurt, Germany. |
Saffre F et alt "Steering and evaluating autonomic deployment of service components in a P2P network" Invited Session on Service Development an Provisioning through Situated and Autonomic Communications at the SOAS2006 (Self-Organizing and Autonomic Computing and Communications) conference in Erfurt, Germany, |
Hofig E, Benko B.K,Di Nitto E.,Mamei M.,Mannella A.,Wuest B. "On Concepts for Autonomic Communication Elements" 1st IEEE International Workshop on Modeling Autonomic Communications Environments MACE 2006 - Dublin October 2006 |
Gelenbe E.,Lent R.,Di Ferdinando A.,Manzalini A. "Distributed Auctions in Autonomic Communication Services" GOSP 2006 workshop |
Gelenbe E.,Lent R.,Di Ferdinando A.,Manzalini A . "An Autonomic Networked Auction" in SOAS 2006 |
Stavrakakis I., "Distributed Selfish Replication/Caching for Content Networks", KAIST Seminar Series, July 19, 2006, KAIST, Korea. Â http://knss.kaist.ac.kr |
Legout, A; Urvoy-Keller, G Michiardi, P "Rarest First and Choke Algorithms Are Enough" Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM/USENIX IMC'2006, October 25--27, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
Michiardi P. "Selfish load-balancing for p2p service networks"Proceedings of IEEE ESAS 2006 September 20-21, 2006, Hamburg, Germany |
Alfano R.,Mannella A. Manzalini A."Self-Organization of Distributed Components for Autonomic Communication Services" for Computer Journal Special issues on Autonomics |
Alfano R.,Mannella A. Manzalini A. "Open Autonomic Service Environment" Submitted for ISCC07 Aveiro, Portugal 1-4 July 2007 |
Benko B.k., Katona T., Schulcz R."CASCADAS - Autonóm kommunikáció és pervazÃv, helyzetfüggÅ‘ szolgáltatások", English title is "CASCADAS - Autonomic communication and pervasive situated services" Published  in HÃradástechnika (Hungarian journal on telecommunication) |
L. Baresi, E. Di Nitto, and C. Ghezzi, "Toward Open-World Software: Issues and Challenges", Â Computer October 2006. |
Mulvenna, M.D., Curran, K., Nugent, C.D., Baumgarten, M., "Introducing a Light-Weight Autonomic Network Middleware based on Stigmergic Mechanisms", Annales des Télécommunications, Vol. 61, n°9-10, September-October 2006, Lavoisier, ISSN: 0003-4347 |
Baumgarten, M., Bicocchi, N., Curran, K., Mamei, M., Mulvenna, M.D., Nugent, C., Zambonelli, F., "Towards Self-Organizing Knowledge Networks for Smart World Infrastructures", International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications (ITSSA), Vol. 1, No. 3/4, 2006, ISSN 1751-1461 Â |
Baresi, L., Baumgarten, M., Mulvenna, M.D., Nugent, C.D., Curran, K., Deussen, P.H., "Towards Pervasive Supervision for Autonomic Systems", In: Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems: Collective Intelligence and Its Applications (DIS'06), pp. 365- 370, 2006, ISBN: 0-7695-2589-X |
Baumgarten, M., Bicocchi, N., Curran, K., Mamei, M., Mulvenna, M.D., Nugent, C., Zambonelli, F., "Towards Self-Organizing Knowledge Networks for Smart World Infrastructures", Invited Session on Service Development and Provisioning through Situated and Autonomic Communications at International Conference on Self-Organization and Autonomous Systems in Computing and Communications (SOAS'2006), Erfurt, Germany, 18 - 21 September 2006 |
Deussen, P. H. Baresi, L. Baumgarten, M. Mulvenna, M.D. Nugent, C.D., Curran, K. ; "Towards Pervasive Supervision for Autonomic Systems"; IEEE 2006 Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems; June 2006, Prague |
Nugent C.D., Baumgarten, M., Mulvenna, M.D., Craig, D., Zambonelli, F., Mamei, M., Bicocchi, N., Curran, K., "Intelligent Person-Centric Services for Smart Environments: Where are you?, Smart Homes and Beyond", ICOST2006 4th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, C.D. Nugent & J.C. Augusto (eds.), 26-28 June 2006, Belfast, Northern Ireland, IOS Press, 2006, pp. 141-149, ISBN 1-58603-623-8, |
Mulvenna, M.D., Zambonelli, F., Curran, K., Nugent C.D., "Knowledge Networks", In: I. Stavrakakis and M. Smirnov (Eds.), Autonomic Communication, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computing Science, LNCS, Vol. 3854, pp. 99-114, 2006, ISBN 3-540-32992-7 |
Mulvenna, M.D., Nugent, C.D., Wallace, J.G., Martin, S., "Representation of User Contexts in Smart Home Monitoring", International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence (ICADI-2006), 1-5 February 2006, Saint Petersburg, USA, University of Florida, 2006, pp. 256, ISBN 0-9754783-0-4 |
Mulvenna, M.D., Nugent, C.D., Gu, X., Shapcott, C.M., Wallace, J., Martin, S., "Using Context Prediction for Self-Management in Ubiquitous Computing Environments", In Proceedings 3rd IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC-2006), 7-10 January 2006, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 600-605, ISBN: 1-4244-0086-4 |
Nugent, C.D., Mulvenna, M.D., Martin, S., Wallace, J.G., "Context Management and Prediction in Smart Living Environments", Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland - 10th Annual Conference & Scientific Symposium, 16-17 November 2005, Dublin, Ireland |
M.D. Mulvenna, F. Zambonelli, K. Curran, C.D Nugent; "Knowledge Networks: the Nervous System of an Autonomic Communication Infrastructure"; 2nd IFIP TC6 International Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC 2005), October 2005, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece |