Cascadas Project



Component-ware for Autonomic Situation-aware Communications, and Dynamically Adaptable Services

Cooperation and Networking (EU Parties)

CASCADAS has established fruitful interactions with the �WORKPAD� project (FP6-2005-IST-5-034749). In particular, WORKPAD was in search of appropriate models to represent and exploit contextual information to enforce location- aware services for mobile users. On the basis of this discussion, the so called �W4� data model identified within WP5 of CASCADAS as a possible way of structuring information by knowledge atoms as been adopted as the reference data model of the WORKPAD project.

CASCADAS has established cooperation and exchanges of results also with the other SAC projects. It should be mentioned also through the joint organisation of some Workshops (e.g. SAC workshop at Bionetics2007 (Budapest, December 2007), SAC-FIRE (Turin, March2008). Moreover Cascadas and Bionets made a joint proposal for demonstration at ICT2008 -

Regarding the networking with other Stakeholders, CASCADAS established relationships with Vendors (for potential joint industrial exploitation of Cascadas concepts and results for the evolution of Service Frameworks for Future Internet and Telco3.0), Universities (for discussion of results and elaboration of reseach visions and agendas) and other Providers (for potential industrial exploitation of Cascadas service concepts for Future Internet and Telco 3.0).

Meeting TI - Telefonica I+D (TI Future Center, 3rd - 4th December 2008).
Telefonica I+D has asked to use the ACE took-kit for internal testing and experimentations in the area of Autonomics. Tool-kit will be downloaded by Telefonica I+D. A brainstorming on potential joint enhancements and exploitations will follow-up.

Further details can be provided by the PM (antonio.manzalini _AT_

Expression of Interests

Beijing Univesity of Posts and Telecommunications (China), Donghua University (China) and the Dept. of Information and Electronic Engineering (Zhejiang University, P.R.China) requested to get access to the Project Deliverables.

IUTFV of Unversity of Dschang, Department of Computer Engineering (Bandjoun, Cameroun) expressed interest for project activities and requested to access the Project documentation.

There are ongoing discussions with MIT for experimental exploitation of CASCADAS results in the SENSEable City Lab (Project WikiCity,

University of Zululand South Africa requested to access Deliverable as working on self-organised and autonomic adaptation of grid services.

There have been some contacts with Research Analyst at Franklin Templeton Investments (India) as interested in Future Internet developments.

General Dynamics UK Limited requested to access Deliverables.

Expression of interest from the Monash University (Faculty of Information Technology, Clayton School of Information Technology, Clayton, 3800, Melbourne, Australia) for the tool-kit and for potential collaboration for continuing the activities developed by Cascadas.

Appreciations and Expression of interest on CASCADAS results from University of Pennsylvania. A request to access Deliverables has been received on 12th December.

All rights are reserved to the CASCADAS Consortium